top of page + ProActive at Basware Connect 2018

Writer: Allan RochaAllan Rocha
Basware connect + Allan Rocha + PMOTTO

25. April, 2018 Charlottehaven, 2100 kbh Ø

Basware Connect 2018

Are you looking for new ways to future-proof and grow your business? Do you exploit the explosion of data that digitalization has brought with you?

Companies that make use of data mining, artificial intelligence and are driven by data analysis can better understand their customers and their products – thereby increasing their competitive advantages.

Therefore, you should look at its business model and in particular on its purchasing and payment process. Already now there are plenty of opportunities to automate their purchasing and payment processes and gain access to data that should form the basis of the strategy.


  1. Predictive Analytics: BI reports and standard analytics are yesterdays news. Now the entire transaction history of the transaction is used to inform and evaluate the future.

  2. 360 ° Automation:  How high is your company’s productivity factor? Learn how to free up resources and capital throughout your business.

  3. Robotics: By 2020 we will have more conversations with bots than with our spouses. But how do you utilize digital transformation technologies in practice?


Allan Rocha – Microsoft MVP + Manager, ProActive + Founder, PMOTTO

Throughout the past 15 years, Allan Rocha has been working on Microsoft’s project and portfolio management tools. His knowledge, interest and innovative angles in this domain include resulted in a lot of books on the subject as well as an MVP title at Microsoft. Allan is currently responsible for ProActive’s Microsoft Project Consulting business.

Topic: How does your company take advantage of artificial intelligence, machine learning and bots to drive transformation? Get inspiration, concrete advice and methods for how and meet our digital project management assistant


Søren Poulsen – Manager Data & AI, ProActive

Søren has worked for the past 10 years as a consultant and advisor for organizations wishing to become “data driven”. Today, Søren is responsible for ProActives Data & AI consultancy.

Topic: How does your company take advantage of artificial intelligence, machine learning and bots to drive transformation? Get inspiration, concrete advice and methods for how and meet our digital project management assistant



Basware Connect 2017, den sorte diamant.


© 2017 by Allan Rocha.

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