I had the honour of speaking about Artificial Intelligence at Dubai International Project Management Forum 5th Edition (https://www.dipmf.ae/) in December 2018.
I am making the entire session available divided by topic: enjoy! 👍
DIPMF2018 – 04 – Session take aways (Allan Rocha) Artificial Intelligence
DIPMF2018 – 05 Modern work management problems (Allan Rocha) Artificial Intelligence
DIPMF2018 – 06 Modern Work Management Strategies (Allan Rocha) Artificial Intelligence
DIPMF2018 – 07 EPMO Pyramid (Allan Rocha) Artificial Intelligence
DIPMF2018 – 08 Project Management Assisntants (Allan Rocha) Artificial Intelligence
DIPMF2018 – 09 How a Project Management Digital Assistant works (Allan Rocha)Artificial Intelligence
DIPMF2018 – 10 AI & Machine Learning applied for Project Mgnt (Allan Rocha) Artificial Intelligence