Seems that this week the Project lovers are getting lucky!
Another incredibly good news for everyone who is already using and even for those who are planning to use the new Microsoft Project, also called Project for the web.
The Microsoft official channel where this new feature has been announced is the Microsoft 365 Roadmap.
The description of the roadmap item is: Link to roadmap item
Title: Copy your Project
Description: Start your new project quickly by copying an existing project instead of having to start from a blank canvas.
Status: In development
Release date: April CY2020
Featured ID: 60591
Added to Roadmap: February 1, /2020
Last Modified: March 27, 2020
Tags: General Availability, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), Project, Online
This feature will allow organizations to have a similar functionality as “Create from Project Template”, which in many cases is not the right way to start a project…
Projects are evolving all the time and keeping a template up to date sounds like a high maintenance task… So, I understand the decision of the Project Team to move from Templates to something more realistic, like: “Copy from my last successful project”.
Don’t forget that this will also allow the adding of some automation via Power Automate, Logic Apps or any custom code. A basic scenario is:
When a new idea request is under 500K EUR ➡ then create “Small” project
When a new idea request is over or equal to 500K EUR ➡ then create “Big” project
Cannot wait to start implementing these scenarios at our clients and partners. ❤
NOTE: Project for the web will be fully integrated with the recently announced Project Operations for Dynamics 365.
Thank you for reading.